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Ep. 32 show notes:
Recorded June 13, 2018 — Still live in Orlando, just this time from the lovely lobby bar at the convention center hotel. We are joined by Lurene Grenier to dig a bit deeper on her keynote from the Talos Threat Research Summit. Lurene is here to give you the offensive view of attacking your network. If you want a hot take on defense from someone who is pure offense, well… buckle up and break out your cord-cutting scissors. You are already saying “We can’t do that!” Lurene is telling you that if you decide to take this seriously enough, you can and should.The timeline:
The roundtable
01:10 — Nigel: Reduced to looking forward to Liverpool’s schedule release day02:18 — Joel: Already checked out and is mentally at Harry Potter World
03:12 — Craig: Not paying attention
03:47 — Matt: Meet Lurene
05:16 — Lurene: No free keynotes, and how to play the “don’t call the police” game
The topics
10:27 — Honestly, we are here for one purpose and topic today: Lurene’s defensive mantra, which she calls "Take Your S***t off the Internet." This is where we spend the whole show. If you are interesting to a major actor and you are taking things seriously, the only truly safe play is taking all your pieces off the board. If you don’t, someone else will.The links
No links. Weren’t you listening?==========
Featuring: Craig Williams (@Security_Craig), Joel Esler (@JoelEsler), Matt Olney (@kpyke) and Nigel Houghton (@EnglishLFC).
Hosted by Mitch Neff (@MitchNeff).
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Featuring: Craig Williams (@Security_Craig), Joel Esler (@JoelEsler), Matt Olney (@kpyke) and Nigel Houghton (@EnglishLFC).
Hosted by Mitch Neff (@MitchNeff).
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