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Ep. #34 show notes:
Recorded July 20, 2018 — This week, we touch on several topics, but we spend the lion’s share of the episode discussing the mobile device management (MDM) campaign we've been following. We are joined by Aaron Woland and spend a great deal of time discussing how these attacks work and how they happen to users of devices across multiple platforms. We talk about the differences in how MDM is handled across different OS flavors, and the similarities in how the attacks happen (hint: users ignoring the warnings).The timeline:
The roundtable
01:00 - Nigel: Three weeks to go until the Mighty Reds face… ???03:05 - Craig: The Furbo is dead. It was probably Lurene, just sayin'.
06:20 - Joel: "My busy week with Joel"
The topics
07:55 - Talos cryptocurrency mining whitepaper, including an interesting take from our Portcullis Labs friends11:05 - Vuln Discovery: Samsung and Sony
16:27 - MDM — Mobile Device Management: This is what you came here for.
The links
Talos cryptomining Whitepaper: https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2018/07/blocking-cryptomining.html
Sony vuln post: https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2018/07/sony-ipela-vulnerability-spotlight-multiple.html
Samsung vuln post: https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2018/07/samsung-smartthings-vulns.html
MDM, Pt.1: https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2018/07/Mobile-Malware-Campaign-uses-Malicious-MDM.html
MDM, Pt. 2: https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2018/07/Mobile-Malware-Campaign-uses-Malicious-MDM-Part2.html
Featuring: Craig Williams (@Security_Craig), Joel Esler (@JoelEsler), Matt Olney (@kpyke) and Nigel Houghton (@EnglishLFC). Special Guest: Aaron Woland (@AaronWoland).
Hosted by Mitch Neff (@MitchNeff).
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Featuring: Craig Williams (@Security_Craig), Joel Esler (@JoelEsler), Matt Olney (@kpyke) and Nigel Houghton (@EnglishLFC). Special Guest: Aaron Woland (@AaronWoland).
Hosted by Mitch Neff (@MitchNeff).
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